
Experts Training Course Developing & Operating

Through the partnership with Korean universities, accredited technical training institutions, and government training institutions we strive to develop and operate educational programs for cultivation and training in different spheres, such as – agriculture, livestock, energy, automotive maintenance, interior, architecture, landscape architecture, fashion design, hairstylist, beauty, IT and others. 

Study Abroad

We will help you to be ensured that your child is safe, comfortable, and faithfully studies at Korean International School, colleges, counsel them from the date of the admission till graduation.

Language Course

We help to arrange Korean Language training in Korea, as well as prepare Russian Courses in Russia or Central Asian Countries. We will assist you from the first half of the preparation process, including visa and homestay services.

K Pop Training Course

Through the partnerships with South Korean entertainment agencies and K-POP related training institutions, we develop and operate special K-POP educational programs, for those of you who dream to become a star, or simply if you want to learn and went through the real school of K-POP dances and singing.